Conference 2024

Drum, National Library of Wales, Aberystwyth
and Canolfan Merched y Wawr, Aberystwyth
28–29 September 2024
Saturday, 28 September in the Drum
12.30 p.m.	Lunch at Pendinas (National Library of Wales restaurant)
2.00 p.m.	Welcome
2.15 p.m.	Professor Jerry Hunter: 'Lady'r Wyrcws: a play about collecting Welsh folk songs'
3.15 p.m.	Tea in the Drum Atrium
3.45 p.m.	Menna Thomas, 'Glamourn folk songs in the Phyllis Kinney and Meredydd Evans Archive'

5.30 p.m.	Executive Committee (at Canolfan Merched y Wawr, Aberystwyth)
6.15 p.m.	Dinner (personal arrangements)
7.30 p.m.	Folk Night (at Merched y Wawr Women's Centre, Aberystwyth)

Sunday, 29 September at Canolfan Merched y Wawr
9.00 a.m.	Morning service
9.15 a.m.	Dr Emma Lile: 'Collections of folk tunes on BBC Wales archive systems' 
10.15 a.m.	Coffee
10.45 a.m.	Professor E. Wyn James, '"Annie Cwrt Mawr" and Welsh folk singing in Aberystwyth, London and Paris'
11.30 a.m.	Annual Meeting
1.00 p.m. 	Lunch (personal arrangements)

Further details: Dr Rhiannon Ifans, Rhandir, Penrhyn-coch, Aberystwyth SY23 3EQ (01970) 828719
Registration fee: £20. Delegates are kindly asked to provide their own food and accommodation. 
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I would like to attend the Welsh Folk Melody Association Conference.

Name(s): ………………………………………………………………………….

Telephone: …………………………………………………………………………

Address: …………………………………………………………………………
I enclose a payment of £20 (cheque payable to 'Cymdeithas Alawon Werin Cymru'). 
Send this form and payment by September 21 to the Treasurer: Dr Rhidian Griffiths, Coed y Berllan, Bryn-y-Môr Road, Aberystwyth, Ceredigion. SY23 2HX.